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Alannah Wallace, BA, MA

PhD Student Alannah studies the electrophysiology of the visual attention network and the use of behavioural strategies to optimize control of attention and/or compensate for stress on an executive system due to environmental and neurobiological factors.

Sumeet Mutti Jaswal, BSc, MA

PhD Candidate Lab Manager I am interested in researching human visual attention, with a specific interest in how we interact with the outside world, and our social sensitivity to other’s actions. Specifically, I study misokinesia (‘hatred of movements’) which is a psychological phenomenon currently absent from scientific research. I created the website to help raise […]

Kyle Gooderham, BA, MA

PhD Candidate His research focuses on how the acute effects of physical activity on cognitive functioning are translated to long-term neurocognitive benefits.

Jennifer Yip, BSc Hons, MA

PhD Candidate (Clinical) Her research focuses on perceptual decoupling (i.e., whether we are engaged or disengaged from our environments) in mind wandering and other states in psychological disorders.

Todd C. Handy, PhD

Director, The Attentional Neuroscience Lab Professor, Department of Psychology phone: 604–822–2706